Zip Chain Lifter

Zip Chain Lifter
  • Scissor lifter with zip chain mechanism
  • An epoch-making lifter that realizes unprecedented high-speed lifting.
  • The zip chain lifter is a table type lifter that pushes up the top plate directly with the zip chain.
  • Operates 3 to 10 times faster than hydraulic lifters. Supports high-frequency operation, which provides a maximum of 50% energy savings.
(Drag to move. )

What is Zip Chain ?

  • High-speed, high-frequency operations
  • Multi-point stopping function
  • Save overall space

Zip Chain is a chain uniquely developed by Tsubaki. Two chains interlock like a zipper to form a single, strong column for pushing and pulling applications.

Zip Chain Actuator has been developed as a linear actuator products using this chain.

Compared to conventional pneumatic / hydraulic cylinders, this has many features including environmental considerations such as space saving, high-speed / high-frequency operation, multi-point stop function, high stopping accuracy, and free mounting direction. Widely used from small actuators to large lifters.

What is the zip chain ?
What is the zip chain ?

Video content

Engagement of Zip Chains and sprockets

Pushing up the top plate by zip chain

1,000kg Type

500kg 7m Telescopic type


Comparison with other mechanisms

  Speed high-frequency Stopping Precision Expected life
Zip Chain Lifter
Electrical screw type lifters × × ×
Hydraulic type lifters × × × ×

Excellent performance made possible by Tsubaki's unique chain technology

High speed 2.5x of hydraulic type

Achieves high-speed operation at a maximum lifting speed of 100m/min.

This lifter works through a mechanism that directly pushes up the lift table at a stable speed in proportion to motor rpm, enabling lifting operation at a constant speed. Synchronized operation of multiple lifters is also possible.

Zip Chain Lifter

It maintains a stable speed through the entire stroke range.

It maintains a stable speed through the entire stroke range.

Hydraulic type lifters

The speed varies throughout the stroke, as hydraulic lifter moves up and down at a slant to lift the top table.

The speed varies throughout the stroke, as hydraulic lifter moves up and down at a slant to lift the top table.

high-frequency 4.5x of hydraulic type

Unlike with hydraulic lifters, the Zip Chain Lifter does not need to increase the tank capacity of hydraulic units for higher-frequency operation.

In addition, continuous operation with one or more strokes per minute and multi-point stop, which cannot be achieved by hydraulic or other methods, is also possible.

Zip Chain Lifter

Stopping Precision The hydraulic type is difficult to stop in the middle.

Easily realizes multi-point stopping/multi-level positioning thanks to its simple control structure.

Stopping Precision

Expected life 10 times more than hydraulic type

The Zip Chain Lifter has a mechanism that directly pushes the lift table, which places a smaller load on the hinges/rollers and enables longer life (over one million strokes).


  • ・Acceptable load mass :1,000kg/50kg
  • ・Stroke :1,000mm/1,600mm/300mm/500mm
  • ・Drive section :With a three-phase motor /With servo motor
  • ・No. of pantograph stages :1-stage /2-stage

Catalogs ・Instruction Manuals

Model No. Designation

ZSL 1000 L 10 G 1 - T6

Zip Chain Lifter

Acceptable load mass



Drive section
G:With a three-phase motor
K:With servo motor

No. of pantograph stages

See below for details

Model No. Navigation

Selected model No. :

*Select each item in order from the left to make sure a valid model number is generated.

Series Acceptable load mass Speed Stroke Drive section No. of pantograph stages Options






Acceptable load mass

Allowable mass of the load object.


Code that indicates the lifting speed.

Refer to the detailed information for the speed values for each model.


Distance that can be lifted.

Drive section

G:With a three-phase motor.

K:With servo motor

No. of pantograph stages

1:single-stage pantograph type

2:dual-stage pantograph type

Option symbol

J:Specification with a bellows to the opening.

T6、T8:Add top plate fixing tap seat and tapped hole.
           (T6 : Tap 6 locations, T8 : Tap 8 locations )

V:This specifies the power supply voltage will be doubled.

E:Install the rotary encoder at the rear of the motor.

List of Model Numbers 【Standard package 】

※Click the model No. for detailed information.

Acceptable load mass
Drive section Speed
12~m/min 6~12m/min ~6m/min
1000 1000 G(With a three-phase motor ) --- ZSL1000L10G1 ZSL1000S10G1
1600 --- ZSL1000L16G2 ZSL1000S16G2
50 300 --- --- ZSL0050S03G1
500 --- --- ZSL0050S05G2
1000 1000 K(With servo motor ) ZSL1000M10K1 --- ---
1600 ZSL1000M16K2 --- ---
50 300 ZSL0050M03K1 --- ---
500 ZSL0050M05K2 --- ---


Full-faced bellows [Option symbol :J]

・Full-laced bellows can prevent the pinching of Zip Chain lifter.

※Divided type is also available as MTO, please consult us.

Compatible size :ZSL1000
Stroke 1000mm Estimated Mass :35kg Stroke 1600mm Estimated Mass :40kg

[Click to enlarge ]

[Click to enlarge ]

Tap seat [Option symbol :T6, T8]

・Add top plate fixing tap seat and tapped hole.

Compatible size :ZSL1000
Tap 6 locations :T6 Tap 8 locations :T8 Detailed drawing of tap :T8

[Click to enlarge ]

[Click to enlarge ]

Motor voltage 400V class [Option symbol :V]

・The voltage of driving motors is changed to 400V.

Compatible size :ZSL1000□□□G、ZSL1000M□□K、ZSL0050S□□G

With a rotary encoder [Option symbol :E]

・Rotary encoder is mounted to the unload end of three-phase motor shaft to enable the output of motor rotary signal.

Compatible size :ZSL1000□□□G□


 Various operations are possible because the output signal of open collector can be extracted from speed reducer.

 No need to connect motor shaft and rotary encoder with coupling.

・Cost reduction
 Unlike the conventional separate type, there is no need for coupling, base plate, as well as the level matching work.

Rotary encoder specification

Supply voltage DC4.5~30V
Pulse number 100
Output mode Open collector output(NPN type) 6lines
AB90° Phase contrast signal +Z Origin signal
Output circuit

Power consumption Under 30mA
Output voltage Under 0.5V(At maximum sink current)
Maximum sink current 40mA MAX
Signal rise-time and fall-time Under 1μs
Max response pulse number 240kHz
Output circuit anti-voltage 50V MAX
Cable length 0.5m Connector attached (DF3-6S-2C Made by Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.)
Vibration Under 4.9m/s2{0.5G}  (20~50Hz)

Configuration / Dimension

[Click to enlarge ]

Wiring table

Wiring number Color Connection
1 Red Power Supply
2 Black 0V Common
3 Blue Signal A
4 White Signal B
5 Yellow Signal Z
6 Black Shield

Options sold separately

Maintenance bar

・If it's unavoidable to enter the space under the top plate when doing maintenance work, make sure to use the maintenance bar.

・Maintenance bar is attached to Series ZSL0050, but not to ZSL1000 Series.
 When purchasing ZSL 1000 Series, please also purchase the option item of maintenance bar.

・The maintenance bar is to be used with a 1,000 mm stroke. Contact a Tsubaki representative if you need to use it with other strokes.

Model No. Applicable Models Standard Price Delivery
ZSL1000MB10 ZSL1000~ Contact us for details. Contact us for details.

Special specifications

400kg dual-stage pantograph type

External motor :
Two Zip Chains

400kg dual-stage pantograph type

2,000kg single-stage pantograph type

External motor :
Four Zip Chains

2,000kg single-stage pantograph type

300kg triple-stage telescopic type

External motor :
Two Zip Chains

300kg triple-stage telescopic type

650kg post type

External motor :
Two Zip Chains

650kg post type
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